Getting kids out into the woods to explore is a powerful learning tool. and an important part of our homeschool. Even very small children enjoy learning about wildlife.
In this two-week woodland animals preschool theme, you and your child will read books, make crafts, enjoy outdoor activities and science, and do a little seatwork each day. All of these activities have been chosen to encourage a love for all things woodland.
As a homeschooling and homesteading family, hands-on learning and "book learning" have been a part of our life forever. However, I discovered a trick early on to help my littles sit still for the book-learning activities.
DAY ONE: Read: Over in the Forest Make: Woodland Animal Craft Explore: Find a Mindful Sit Spot Complete: Two or Three Pages from either our Woodland Animals Counting Book OR our Woodland Animals K-2 Printable.
> Counting Pages 1-20, with a place to practice writing the number. > Ten-Square Pages for Numbers 1-20, asking your child to color the appropriate number of squares for each number (or use chart stickers.)
> Four Mazes of Different Skill Levels. > For Woodland Animals Words Handwriting Pages. > Four Counting Pages. > One Word Search.