How to Make Fermented Chicken Feed

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Fermenting chicken feed is great way to provide your chickens with a nutrient-rich diet. It provides the essential vitamins, minerals, and good bacteria that are necessary for optimal health.

It helps boost your chickens' immune systems, developing strong bones and feathers.

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Learn how to make fermented chicken feed, why you should ferment your chicken feed, the best feed to use, and how to store the finished product.

Fermenting is simply the process of growing wild cultures and yeasts from the air and combining them with an organic substance, in this case, your chicken feed.

The wild yeast then creates a metabolic process that creates a chemical process. Sugars and starches in the feed are broken down into lactic acid bacteria.

Once you get your chicken feed, you'll need to combine it with dechlorinated water and a fermentation starter such as whey or yogurt culture, much the same way you'd use a sourdough starter.

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Fermenting chicken feed is pretty simple to do.

Cover it with cheesecloth or loose-fitting lid. Let sit for 48 to 72 hours. It takes longer in winter, and it is faster in summer.

On the first day, mix the ingredients together in a large bucket.

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You'll find the full instructions on fermenting chicken feed over on our site.

We also use old-time chicken feed recipes and make DIY flock blocks for them to peck away at when we run out of chicken feed.

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