Green Curved Line

You know, there's something special about bringing out the natural beauty of wood furniture with a bit of elbow grease and a good polish. But recently I've been making my own with just 3 ingredients.


–  Olive oil – beeswax pellets – 8-10 drops of essential oil

You will also need:  – A small pot – Stirring utensil – Measuring cup

Set the jar in a pan of hot water a little more than halfway up the jar. Alternatively, use a double boiler.

Place beeswax and olive oil in your jar.

Green Curved Line

.Remove from heat and stir in essential oils well. My favorite combo is lavender basil for a clean, fresh scent.

.Heat over medium-high heat until the contents melt.

Green Curved Line

If your home or wherever you keep it is warmer than room temperature, you may find it softens a bit more.

Screw the lid back on and set the jar aside to cool; it will solidify but still be somewhat soft.

Green Curved Line

To use this beeswax furniture polish: Wipe your surface down with a rag  to remove surface crumbs.. Use a small amount of the furniture polish & rub gently with a clean, soft towel.  This polish should be good for about 12 - 18 months.

Green Curved Line